Despite the fact that the banking elite wants to generate riots and stir social disorder in order to collapse the...
Read moreDetailsThe pulsing, squeezing beat of the living organism called the Elite —those in influential positions who are making unwanted decisions...
Read moreDetailsA plan being pushed in Congress right now by senators from both major political parties would force all Americans to...
Read moreDetailsView EFF's updated Map of Domestic Drone Authorizations in a larger window. (Clicking this link will serve content from Google.)...
Read moreDetailsOf late there is much news surrounding the secretive globalist group known as Bilderberg. Internationalists are quietly pushing Congress to...
Read moreDetailsThe elite want to tightly control almost everything that we do, say and think. When most people think of "tyranny",...
Read moreDetailsThe FBI warned that sovereign citizens commit murder and physical assault; threaten judges, law enforcement professionals and government personnel; impersonate...
Read moreDetailsAmerica is facing two wars, both instigated by a foreign nation with foreign interests; wars to be fought here on...
Read moreDetailsHow quickly best laid plans become passé. New world orders come, it seems, as frequently as eclipses. The old world...
Read moreDetailsEvery indication clearly suggests that authorities in the United States are preparing for widespread civil unrest. This trend has not...
Read moreDetailsFlickr Commons: Image provided by Till Westermayer This article is my most controversial article because it contains “forbidden knowledge” and...
Read moreDetailsImagine a machine tunneling seven miles per day through solid rock, boulders and clay...virtually anything below the waterline. A machine...
Read moreDetailsInternet Censorship and Facebook Censorship is in full swing. There are many people participating on Facebook who are being blocked...
Read moreDetailsWhile budgets are being slashed by governments around the world, national intelligence agencies are not only flush with money but...
Read moreDetailsFrom Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman: (see video below) I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the...
Read moreDetailsThat we live in a world of “Agenda Politics” is absolutely clear. Governments come and go, but the agenda never...
Read moreDetailsThis is not a new agenda. It has been pushed since before the twentieth century by, among others, the “rat...
Read moreDetailsLet no man or woman dare speak of a shadow government. The crony corruptocrats that make up the ruling elites...
Read moreDetailsThe leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New...
Read moreDetailsThe IRS headquarters in New Carrollton, Maryland is a government building that, despite being constructed with public funds, contains art...
Read moreDetailsDanske Bank is owned by elite financier Peter Straarup who is a member of the Trilateral Commission (created by David...
Read moreDetailsThe value of black gold is quickly being replaced by the indispensable worth of blue gold. A former Jesse Ventura...
Read moreDetailsIntense speculation on the ‘ruling elite’ many believe is running the world from behind the scenes can lead to the...
Read moreDetailsChapter six from the book The Rockefeller File (pdf) by Gary Allen '76 Press, 1976. "Equally important is CFR's influence...
Read moreDetailsWhat is Agenda 21? The constitutionalist movement has heard vague echoes in recent years about a threat to the free...
Read moreDetailsTo practice law in the U.S. you have to be a member of the BAR Association, B.A.R is an acronym...
Read moreDetailsOR ONE PLA-NET CORPORATION. Editor's note: If you think: Regional Planning Commissions and efforts are benign. The corporatization of local government...
Read moreDetailsThere are three cities (city-states) across this planet that share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global...
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