“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin
This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it at any cost.
This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”
And the war is on us; for the subjugation, exploitation and control of….us. The human race.
Nothing is at it seems. Nothing. Not the least of which is anything and everything in our engineered society. It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind. This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix.
Useful Idiots and the Puppeteers
The obvious NATO/US backed ISIL creation, the insurgences in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, as well as most of the Middle East and now Africa, Hong Kong and other nations, past and present, are perfect examples of controlled opposition on the political stage. As awful as that is, the problem is way deeper than that.
We’ve all been useful idiots at one time or other. No one’s been fully conscious or completely independent of these influences all of their lives. We all have had to compromise in some manner just to survive in the matrix and unwittingly played into their hand.
This entire social landscape is an engineered one, and we help build and maintain it at varying degrees of conscious awareness until we disengage. Some aspects become more obvious than others to different people. The banking system for example has been getting hammered by the awakening. The full extent of its control is known by very few, but people are getting the idea. And it leads to more questions.
That’s how it works.
Many people come to the awakening via the health crisis we’re facing, with contaminated and mutated foods being forced into the market without the slightest compunction from our ever-so-caring slightly disguised crypto fascist central State. Just going to natural food or natural or alternative medicine sites is another way to go into the Wardrobe and land in a Narnia of Truth people had no idea existed.
For those looking to help others, this is a great way to approach someone still under the spell to get them started looking around. GMO awareness has jacked and is a great entry point. And just like the bankster revolving door with government, the Monsanto/Merck et al. infestation of so-called health agencies, this will make their heads spin if they’re willing to see it.
Geoengineering and Fukushima are other portals to the awakening. The surreal potential ELE nature of these assaults is seriously disrupting many entrained minds.
Finding out the extent of our own involvement is a trip in itself, and will lead to many wonderful, sometimes disturbing discoveries. Even more so is realizing the source of information we were trusting was tainted, twisted and distorted, or as in most cases, a complete fabricated lie, propped up by the energy of those that believed it. Matrix battery pods powering the collective.
What Really Matters
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