While most laws are created to protect the interests of society, there are some that are just unexplainable, illogical, and even impractical. From laws concerning what food you may eat and when to laws defining the clothes a murder may or may not where, prepare to be baffled by 25 extremely bizarre laws that don’t make sense.
It is Illegal to Wear a Bulletproof Vest While Committing a Murder In New Jersey
Isn’t murder already illegal? Well apparently murder with a bullet proof vest is even more illegal. Only a really, really bad guy would do something like that
Bingo Games Can’t Last More Than Five Hours In North Carolina
Four and a half hours of bingo? You’re fine. 5 hours? You better lawyer up
Beer and Pretzels Cannot Be Served at the Same Time in Any Bar or Restaurant In North Dakota
We’re not exactly sure why this law made sense to anybody ever, but maybe North Dakota pretzels are just too good to be spoiled by intoxication.
You May Not Take a Picture of a Rabbit during the Month of June In Wyoming
There are only 11 months available for rabbit picture taking in this state. During the twelfth month you better give the poor rabbits a break.
It Is Illegal For A Man to Give His Sweetheart A Box of Candy Weighing More Than 50 lbs In Idaho
But seriously…who even does that? 50 pounds? Of candy? That deserves to be illegal.
It is Illegal to Have Christmas Decorations Up After January 14 In Maine
Apparently in some places Christmas can come early, but it had better not stay late, at least not later than mid January.
It is Illegal to Walk across a Street on Your Hands In Connecticut
Well, it’s understandably dangerous but come on, if someone is cool enough to walk across the street on their hands why would you punish them?
It is illegal to die in London’s Houses of Parliament
That’s right, could you please refrain from dying until you have exited the building? This will at least prevent your family from being subject to litigation.
Flushing the Toilet after 10 PM Where the Person Lives In an Apartment Is Illegal In Sweden
Our guess is that there are a lot of law breakers in this country…
Women Must Obtain Written Permission from Their Husbands to Wear False Teeth In Vermont
Imagine going your whole life thinking that your wife is taking perfect care of her teeth only to find out that…they’re fake! It’s a horrifying thought, at least horrifying enough to make them sign permission slips.
You Must Be 18 Years of Age to Play a Pinball Machine In South Carolina
Springs, balls flying around like crazy, bright lights and loud noises, you need to be a responsible adult to handle this craziness, at least that’s what South Carolina would say.
Putting Salt on a Railroad Track May Be Punishable By Death In Alabama
Salt plus railroad tracks plus Alabama equals death. Got it.
Donkeys Cannot Sleep In Bathtubs In Arizona
Yea, it’s weird, but illegal? Come on, give the donkeys a break already.
No Vehicle without a Driver May Exceed 60 Miles per Hour In California
Seems that no vehicle without a driver should be able to exceed 0 mph, but hey, you have to draw the line somewhere.
Waking a Sleeping Bear for a Photo Opportunity Is Strictly Forbidden In Alaska
Forget “strictly forbidden”, how about “strictly-that’s-the-dumbest-idea-anybody-could-ever-come-up-with”. Needless to say, nobody has ever been prosecuted for breaking this law.
You Can Be Stopped By the Police for Biking Over 65 Miles per Hour In Connecticut
If someone is going over 65 mph on a bike, well, that is pretty fast…what the heck, pull them over.
It Is Illegal To Serve Butter Substitutes in Wisconsin State Prisons
Wisconsin, the land of milk, cows, and real butter…even in their jails.
Fishing While Sitting on a Giraffe’s Neck is Forbidden In Illinois
While it’s hard to actually imagine a situation that would require you to sit on a giraffes neck with a fishing pole, if you do ever find yourself in this position, just make sure you are not in Illinois.
It Is Illegal To Rob A Bank and Then Shoot at the Bank Teller with A Water Pistol In Louisiana
Forget real bullets, super soakers are just as bad. Who wants to go into work and get drenched by masked robbers? Way to go Louisiana.
Next-Door Neighbors May Not Lend Each Other Vacuum Cleaners In Colorado
You can share whatever you want with your neighbors, just make sure its not a vacuum cleaner. In this case the legal thing to do is ask the people across the street.
No One May Cross Minnesota State Lines with a Duck On Top Of Their Head
It’s understandable really. Why would any state want its citizens leaving its borders with ducks on top of their heads? It just makes everybody look bad
It Is Illegal For A Man to Buy Drinks for More Than Three People at A Time In Las Vegas
Does anybody follow rules in Las Vegas? Wait…are there even rules in Las Vegas? Apparently there’s at least one
Donut Holes May Not Be Sold In Nebraska
Nebraska…you have our sincerest apologies from the bottom of our sorrow filled hearts. May your laws one day change and allow the sun to shine into your lives.
It Is Illegal To Sleep On Top Of A Refrigerator Outdoors In Pennsylvania
You know those times when you’re just looking for a place to spend the night and all of sudden you see a refrigerator hanging out by itself and you think “man that looks comfortable to sleep on”? Yea, neither do we. Pennsylvania…you’re strange.
Whistling Underwater Is Illegal In Vermont
Someone can whistle underwater they can probably do some other pretty crazy stuff too, like run through walls, fly around super fast, and just generally be awesome at breaking the laws of physics. Word of caution to law enforcement in Vermont…let them whistle underwater.
Source: World Truth