Did you ever wonder why the months and days are named the way they are? When you see the answers, you might be surprised!
Meanings of our Months:
The word “Month” comes from the word “Moon” so our “Months” should be from New Moon to New Moon which is the way our Creator God designed it.
![]() | JANUARY-Named for the Roman god Janus,’ god of doorways’ and beginnings. (Remember the Pope opened the ‘Holy Door’ on Jan. 1 2000?)January is man’s beginnings not God’s. The holy bible reveals that God’s new year is around March 21 when the spring equinox occurs. |
![]() | FEBRUARY– Named for the Roman festival of purification ‘Februa’. The first day of the Carnival season is always January 6th (which is twelve days after Christmas). This is called the Twelfth Night (Kings Night) and marks the beginning of the private masked balls that are held until Mardi Gras Day. Mardi Gras Day (Which is always Fat Tuesday.) is the last and greatest day of the carnival season before their 40 days of lent. |
![]() | MARCH– Named for the Roman God Mars, who was the god of war and guardian of the state. Mars was the father of Romulus and Remus |
![]() | APRIL– From the Roman calendar month of Aprilis. Considered a scared month for the goddess Venus. April also comes from the Latin word aperire meaning “to open” refering to a spring season, opening of the flowers and leaves. |
![]() | MAY– Named for the goddess Maia, the daughter of Atlas and one of the “Seven Sisters” of the Pleiades. |
![]() | JUNE– Named for the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and queen of the heavens and gods |
![]() | JULY– Named for Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The month originally had the Roman name of Quintilis (meaning five). |
![]() | AUGUST– Named for the Roman Emperor Augustus in 8 BC. The month was formerly known as Sextilis (meaning six). |
![]() | SEPTEMBER– From the Latin word “septem” meaning seven, which was the seventh month of the calendar. (Yet we use it as the ninth month?) |
![]() | OCTOBER– From the Latin word “octo” meaning eight, which was the eight month of the calendar. (Yet we use it as the tenth month?) |
![]() | NOVEMBER– From the Latin word “novem” meaning nine, which was the ninth month of the calendar. (Yet we use it as the eleventh month?) |
![]() | DECEMBER– From the Latin word decem meaning ten, which was the tenth month of the calendar. (Yet we use it as the twelfth month?) |
Ask yourself this: Why do Christians use the names of pagan gods as our days and months?
The Seven-Day Week
The Babylonians marked time with lunar months. They proscribed some activities during several days of the month, particularly the
first — the first visible crecent,
seventh — the waxing half moon,
fourteenth — the full moon,
nineteenth — dedicated to an offended goddess,
twenty-first — the waning half moon,
twenty-eigth — the last visible crecent,
twenty-nineth — the invisible moon, and
thirtieth (possibly) — the invisible moon.
The major periods are seven days, 1/4 month, long. This seven-day period was later regularized and disassociated from the lunar month to become our seven-day week.
The Naming of the Days
The Greeks named the days week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets, which were in turn named after the gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. The Greeks called the days of the week the Theon hemerai “days of the Gods”. The Romans substituted their equivalent gods for the Greek gods, Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn. (The two pantheons are very similar.) The Germanic peoples generally substituted roughly similar gods for the Roman gods, Tiu (Twia), Woden, Thor, Freya (Fria), but did not substitute Saturn.
![]() | Sunday — Sun’s day Middle English sone(n)day or sun(nen)day Old English sunnandæg “day of the sun” Germanic sunnon-dagaz “day of the sun” Latin dies solis “day of the sun” Ancient Greek hemera heli(o)u, “day of the sun” |
![]() | Monday — Moon’s day Middle English monday or mone(n)day Old English mon(an)dæg “day of the moon” Latin dies lunae “day of the moon” Ancient Greek hemera selenes “day of the moon” |
![]() | Tuesday — Tiu’s day Middle English tiwesday or tewesday Old English tiwesdæg “Tiw’s (Tiu’s) day” Latin dies Martis “day of Mars” Ancient Greek hemera Areos “day of Ares”Tiu (Twia) is the English/Germanic god of war and the sky. He is identified with the Norse god Tyr. |
![]() | Tuesday Addendum: Ares, Greek god of warMars is the Roman god of war. Ares is the Greek god of war.Those in power will use Tuesdays to launch wars and false flag events. They rely heavily on numerology and have access to the most knowledgeable astrologers available to mankind. |
![]() | Wednesday — Woden’s day Middle English wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai Old English wodnesdæg “Woden’s day” Latin dies Mercurii “day of Mercury” Ancient Greek hemera Hermu “day of Hermes”Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Woden is the leader of the Wild Hunt. Woden is from wod “violently insane” + -en “headship”. He is identified with the Norse Odin.Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, theivery, eloquence and science. He is the messenger of the other gods.Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft. He is the messenger and herald of the other gods. He serves as patron of travelers and rogues, and as the conductor of the dead to Hades. |
![]() | Thursday — Thor’s day Middle English thur(e)sday Old English thursdæg Old Norse thorsdagr “Thor’s day” Old English thunresdæg “thunder’s day” Latin dies Jovis “day of Jupiter” Ancient Greek hemera Dios “day of Zeus”. Thor is the Norse god of thunder. He is represented as riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer Miölnir. He is the defender of the Aesir, destined to kill and be killed by the Midgard Serpent.Jupiter (Jove) is the supreme Roman god and patron of the Roman state. He is noted for creating thunder and lightning.Zeus is Greek god of the heavens and the supreme Greek god. |
![]() | Friday — Freya’s day Middle English fridai Old English frigedæg “Freya’s day” composed of Frige (genetive singular of Freo) + dæg “day” (most likely) or composed of Frig “Frigg” + dæg “day” (least likely) Germanic frije-dagaz “Freya’s (or Frigg’s) day” Latin dies Veneris “Venus’s day” Ancient Greek hemera Aphrodites “day of Aphrodite”Freo is identical with freo, meaning free. It is from the Germanic frijaz meaning “beloved, belonging to the loved ones, not in bondage, free”.Freya (Fria) is the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and fecundity (prolific procreation). She is identified with the Norse god Freya. She is leader of the Valkyries and one of the Vanir. She is confused in Germany with Frigg.Frigg (Frigga) is the Teutonic goddess of clouds, the sky, and conjugal(married) love. She is identified with Frigg, the Norse goddess of love and the heavens and the wife of Odin. She is one of the Aesir. She is confused in Germany with Freya.Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty.Aphrodite (Cytherea) is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. |
![]() | Saturday — Saturn’s day Middle English saterday Old English sæter(nes)dæg “Saturn’s day”Latin dies Saturni “day of Saturn” Ancient Greek hemera Khronu “day of Cronus”Saturn is the Roman and Italic god of agriculture and the consort of Ops. He is believed to have ruled the earth during an age of happiness and virtue.Cronus (Kronos, Cronos) is the Greek god (Titan) who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus. |
EVERY word in EVERY language has an etymological origin and significance. When false flags happen, they happen on specific days and dates that not only follow numerology, but the specific name of that particular day.
When you look at the prefix of specific months such as “OCTober, OCT means “EIGHT” and in a OCTopus with 8 legs. So, one must ask the question, “Why is October the 10th month of the year?” SEPTember (7) and DECember (10) follow the same suit.
In the end, question EVERYTHING because most of what we were taught is either lies, propaganda or designed to keep us living in subservience, control, and conformity!
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com