In July and August 2014 Richard D. Hall toured the UK lecturing on a range of subjects including media subversion. Some very sinister practices are being used within our media to subvert and demoralize society. The most innocent of TV programmes contain subversive content, which it is argued have been constructed deliberately to dumb down the public in order to make them politically impotent. In this talk Richard reports on the votes cast by Richplanet viewers as to which are the most subversive TV programmes. One viewer said the TV show Emmerdale made the Whicker man look like the Archers! Another viewer explained why the seemingly innocent programme “Peppa Pig” was damaging his relationship with his 3 year old daughter. Is this an accident – he doesn’t think so. Richard’s advice is to throw your television set out of the window.
Richard also goes on to explore the modus operandi of the group (whoever they are) that have invaded and regime changed the middle east. Once they have control of the middle east, will they focus on another part of the world? – If so, can we speculate where? Also exposed are the governments new plans to introduce ridiculous laws to tackle the fabricated issue of “modern slavery”. The implications to society if these laws are passed are very disturbing and will erode trust within communities. Richard suspects this is part of an overall subversion/demoralisation campaign to dumb down society and restrict peoples freedom of expression without them realising it. Finally Richard explains the problems he has had getting his material back on TV after the show was pulled off air in August 2013.
Please visit Richard D Hall’s website … to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge.