How is money created? If you ask average people on the street this question, most of them have absolutely no...
Read moreDetailsDo you ever wonder why we actually ship stuff all around the world? (by Chris Agnos) Shipping Stuff Half Way Around...
Read moreDetailsMike Maloney of takes you to Egypt to unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of...
Read moreDetailsSoros speculates on the world’s financial markets via his secret off-shore company, “Quantum Fund NV”, a private “investment fund” that...
Read moreDetailsOn September 19, 2015, I published an article about why cryptocurrency may be the currency that the Elite/Controllers want to...
Read moreDetails(Zero Hedge) Well, that didn’t take long. Earlier today when we reported the stunning news that DB has decided to...
Read moreDetailsWhen a Rothschild speaks of economic problems, you listen and research it. The Rothschilds know there will be no problems for their family,...
Read moreDetailsMultinational bank HSBC has agreed to a $470 million settlement with the U.S. government/corporation for mortgage lending and foreclosure abuses...
Read moreDetailsOil has fallen below $30 per barrel. The decline in oil prices that alarmed the world when it began in...
Read moreDetailsFrom farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an...
Read moreDetailsEarlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008, several members of...
Read moreDetailsAmericans have almost no knowledge of the Federal Reserve yet, it impacts their financial lives every single day. The origins...
Read moreDetailsGood news, everybody! The markets are rebounding! Yes, we just a hit a minor bump in the road there, but...
Read moreDetailsFinancial penalties expected to hit British banks for Forex rigging will do little to tackle financial crime in the City...
Read moreDetailsGreece defaulted at the end of June, and metals investors expected higher prices in July. What we expected isn’t what...
Read moreDetailsDoes this have anything to do with the New York Stock Exchange shutting down today? Forget Greece. No, really. As...
Read moreDetailsIt’s been an ugly week for Chinese equities, but today’s performance is a whole other level of ugly: Today marked the...
Read moreDetailsIt’s been long reported that the money changers operating within the halls of our most hallowed and influential financial institutions have been...
Read moreDetails"Whoever Controls the Money Supply Controls the World." With the enactment of the privately owned central bank, the Bank of...
Read moreDetailsFive major international banks are expected to plead guilty as soon as next week to criminal charges in the US...
Read moreDetailsWe Can’t Rein In the Banks If We Can’t Pull Our Money Out of Them. Martin Armstrong summarizes the headway...
Read moreDetailsThere's a new front opening up in the war on your wealth. If you haven't heard yet of the “bail-in,”...
Read moreDetailsMeeting in near-secrecy in Washington – under the radar of the mainstream media – the world’s most powerful financial brokers...
Read moreDetailsWe hear about the economy and the "recession" in the media, but do any of the commentators stop and try...
Read moreDetailsThe first two months of 2015 have seen turmoil in the currency markets extend from Russia and Ukraine to the...
Read moreDetailsThe "1%" label has become synonymous for wealth inequality and economic injustice, warning of the rise of a new global...
Read moreDetailsAre you fighting for your servitude as if for your salvation? Then you have been well-deceived. You have been sheeple-compromised....
Read moreDetailsWhen Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum started the yearly pilgrimage to the inner sanctums...
Read moreDetailsBig but not surprising news as the World Economic Forum convenes its annual meeting in the Swiss mountains: Wealth accumulated...
Read moreDetailsThe long-anticipated collapse of the euro is here. When European Central Bank president Mario Draghi unveiled an open-ended quantitative easing...
Read moreDetailsIt's not just greed, it's theft. The Merriam-Webster definition of 'steal' is to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a...
Read moreDetailsA film about the power of central banks and the transformation of the economy. The film begins by saying: ‘This...
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