A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten-acre parcel of property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which has no legal authority to do so.
This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this quasi-corporation known as the United States Federal Government attempts to make laws, to impose laws on the states or on the people who have not been authorized by the states of the people, operates illegally. This Awareness indicates that any of the states or the people who give their allegiance, and give their rights to such a quasi-government are doing so illegally. Anyone who volunteers to let such a foreign entity control their lives is volunteering their freedom away illegally, and this is where changes will soon begin to occur, and where entities will begin to recognize a breach in the relationship between the people, the states, and the quasi-government in Washington D.C.
The Federal government, which is foreign to the United States of America, which is located in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the United States and which is in fact controlled to a great extent by the international bankers and by the laws and rules of the United Nations, whereby this Federal Washington D.C. state or country, has set itself up as a control over the United States of America as a quasi-government.
This Awareness indicates that elected officials residing outside of the United States of America in Washington D.C., are not actually employees or officials of the United States of America, or its rules. The states’ rules do not apply. The states’ Constitution does not apply to these entities in Washington D.C. because they are acting outside the country in this second nation known as the Federal government.
This Awareness indicates in other words, the United States Federal government and the United States of America are basically two different countries, and the Constitution of the United States of America is not the law of the United States Federal government. Therefore, these entities cannot, while in the District of Colombia, be accused of treason. They are operating on behalf of the foreign bankers and their special interests.
The United States of Americas, Incorporated
This Federal government sees itself as a democracy, whereas the original states of the Union were a Republic . This Republic is no longer recognized by the “democracy” known as the United States of America. It should be understood that “democracy” essentially is majority rule, or what some call “mob rule,” and a Republic is a system of government that is focused on the right of each individual. The rules are such to protect the rights of the individuals, not so much the mob or the majority, but of the individuals that make up the whole. This Awareness indicates that these things that most entities are not taught in their school or not taught through the news, through television or through the ordinary information sources of the country. It should be realized that the United States of America, Incorporated is dominated and controlled by 13 powerful banking families, Rothschilds being a dominant influence, so that the laws are passed to help curb the freedoms of the states.
Most of the laws of the Federal government are essentially just corporate rules and corporate laws on the states who have become associated with the Federal government, given their allegiance or otherwise bought into the Federal government in Washington, D.C., a corporation. The government in Washington, D.C. is not set up to represent the states, but to control the states, as though they were subordinate corporations to this greater corporation.
Originally, the laws passed were by consent of the states, but it has reached a point now where the Federal Reserve Bank has such power and loans to the states or programs for the states can be financed from Washington DC, the states sell out and go along with the Federal programs in order to get Federal money.
This Awareness indicates that it has been a very slow and gradual take over of the states and their sovereignty and independence, so that the independence is more of a sham. The so-called independence day is a celebration that occurs each July 4th, more out of memory than out of actual reality of the present time. There is really very little independence. In fact, there is much talk of “interdependence,” meaning that the states are dependent on the Federal government, and the Federal government has some reliance on the state for its taxes collected from the people of the various states, and in this sense there is an interdependence. They each depend on each other.
The Oversight of the Founding Fathers
This Awareness indicates this all came about by an oversight of the Founding Fathers, wherein the Rothschild lawyers and representatives recognized that the oversight was that Washington, D.C. government for the states had never actually been a part of the United States and therefore, they took over and created a corporation of this Federal government, making it a separate nation from the United states, and from that action began to move toward a gradual take over of the various states of the union through statutes and laws which the states bought into.
From Jackie Patru Sweet liberty.org:
“Our Constitutional rights are under attack. While we sleep, local and state elected officials are legislating away our freedom by implementing federal legislation which does NOT apply — Constitutionally — to the several states. The President is acting as a king — issuing “decrees” called Executive Orders — which we are to believe overrides the Constitution for the United States of America, bypassing the system of checks and balances. Corrupt courts prosecute on false charges, ignoring the right to due process. To what may we attribute the impending death of our once great nation and the slave status of once-free Americans? Who is to blame for her state of bankruptcy and vulnerability?
We are, by our silence. Our lack of involvement is our acquiescence.”
Read: Understanding one’s legal or commercial status under the Admiralty system
All links to back up everything in this video are below.
the act of 1871
America=Slaves To The British Crown The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
The Treaty Of 1783
The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.
The Ultimate Delusion
Great Britain owns USA
1 of 7Great Britain owns USA
Below is the text of the bill:
Historical Materials: Congressional Time Line
The Corporation Of The United States Of America Is It True? We Are Not Under Common Law?
The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state
What is an Adhesion Contract?
adhesion citizens contract
Amendment II
14th Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment is adopted, July 28, 1868
interstate commerce
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (Commerce)
interstate commerce commission icc
The American Citizenship Process
U.S. Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment
Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011
Establishment of the White House Rural Council
It means the governance is by Corporation law—seems that 1871 was the year that the corporate body of the United States of America was formed.—-(Municipal Law) —
a ” Corporation”
with a legislature was established,
with all the apparatus of a distinct government
created (Incorporated) by (Presidential) Legislative Act, February 21, 1871, Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, page 419
On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337
A subsequent act approved June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180) was enacted stating that the District of Columbia should ‘remain and continue a municipal corporation,’ as provided in 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to said District
(brought forward from the act of 1871)
181 U.S. 453 (1901)
Executive Order 12803 – Infrastructure Privatization
April 30, 1992
.America is Owned by Kingdom of Great Britain
the Jay Treaty in 1794, and America’s ability to bargain on all these points was greatly strengthened by the creation of the new constitution in 1787.
The United States Isn’t a Country
— It’s a Corporation!
The united states Of America is a corporation owned by foreign interests
HISTORICAL FACTS..AMERICA is a Corporation owned by foreign interests
The Act Of 1871
The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.
Below is the text of the bill:
Historical Materials: Congressional Time Line
The Corporation Of The United States Of America Is It True? We Are Not Under Common Law?
File:Us declaration independence.jpg
English Bill of Rights of 1689
The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state
What is an Adhesion Contract?
adhesion citizens contract
Amendment II
14th Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment is adopted, July 28, 1868
interstate commerce
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (Commerce)
interstate commerce commission icc
The American Citizenship Process
U.S. Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment
Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011
Establishment of the White House Rural Council
UN Agenda 21 – Coming to a Neighborhood near You
Executive Order 12803 – Infrastructure Privatization
April 30, 1992
Video Clips Taken From
[…] Chris aka barnone11970 gives full length talk about admiralty law and the Act of 1871. […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated […]
[…] The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated […]
[…] The act that made this possible was the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, also known as the Act of 1871. As a result, anyone who becomes a United States citizen is a citizen (employee) of the corporation […]
[…] See also: The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated […]
[…] The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated […]
[…] The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] American government is just one giant corporation running a multi-level marketing […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] https://globalelite.tv/2013/10/19/the-act-of-1871-america-incorporated/ […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] financiers, such as Rothschild’s of London. Global bankers were eager to buy, and the treasonous Act of 1871 was passed by the 41st Congress. The Constitution was altered, and America was transformed into a […]
[…] financiers, such as Rothschild’s of London. Global bankers were eager to buy, and the treasonous Act of 1871 was passed by the 41st Congress. The Constitution was altered, and America was transformed into a […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] financiers, such as Rothschild’s of London. Global bankers were eager to buy, and the treasonous Act of 1871 was passed by the 41st Congress. The Constitution was altered, and America was transformed into a […]
[…] financiers, such as Rothschild’s of London. Global bankers were eager to buy, and the treasonous Act of 1871 was passed by the 41st Congress. The Constitution was altered, and America was transformed into a […]
[…] District of Columbia – Military power centre, established in 1871 […]
[…] such as Rothschild’s of London. Global bankers were eager to buy, and the treasonous Act of 1871 was passed by the 41st Congress. The Constitution was altered, and America was transformed into a […]