There is little doubt that in terms of quality, much of the food sold in the United States lags behind...
Read moreDetailsJust in the past year local law enforcement in the United States have been stockpiling military surplus equipment, and this...
Read moreDetailsAll the biggest product brands in the world are owned by a handful of corporation. Food, cleaning products, banks, airlines,...
Read moreDetailsAmerica’s police have become too militarised, and this detailed infographic by shows just that. Source:
Read moreDetailsA surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. Banks and Finance, Media, Big Oil, The Global Food...
Read moreDetailsWe've researched 99 banks, mutuals, building societies, credit unions and direct credit card companies to show which bank is behind...
Read moreDetailsThe need to feed billions of people efficiently (and make billions of dollars off it) has given rise to large-scale...
Read moreDetailsWith some politicians arguing private prisons help states save money and other politicians arguing the system is rife with corruption,...
Read moreDetailsJust six companies control 90% of what you read, watch, and listen to. It seems like in today’s world there...
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