"Hollywood is the magician's wand (holly-holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or...
Read moreDetailsWe live in a world where our television “programming” these days literally counts people down into the broadcast with flickering...
Read moreDetailsDo you want to know... * How to sell more effectively? * How to alter the beliefs of your clients?...
Read moreDetailsFeudalism and its implications do not simply pertain to the perceived external actions of day to day business and human...
Read moreDetailsFirst published presentation of their new book The TV Delusion. Simon Day and Joanna van der Leer have been researching world...
Read moreDetailsThe Classics Browse works by Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad and other famous authors here. Classic Bookshelf: This site has put...
Read moreDetailsMichael Tellinger has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of...
Read moreDetailsMike Maloney of GoldSilver.com takes you to Egypt to unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of...
Read moreDetails(by Joaquin Herrera) As of lately the media has portrayed much chaos, all at an immensely alarming rate, and not...
Read moreDetailsYour Body and The Land You Walk Upon are Property of The Crown Corporation. Important information by Ken Cousens on...
Read moreDetailsHemp is a plant that has been cultivated in parts of the world for 10-12,000 years – possibly longer –...
Read moreDetailsIn this video, Gerard Morin is opening up to the public some key discoveries that have pushed the understanding and development...
Read moreDetailsBo Constantinsen is the author of WhatMusicReallyIs.com, a website dedicated to teaching people about natural music instead of the artificial...
Read moreDetailsThis is an electrically conditioned wave universe. All wave conditions are forever seeking oneness. For this reason all sensation responds...
Read moreDetailsEdward Bernays was the master of influencing and shaping public opinion who developed upon the ideas of earlier social psychologists...
Read moreDetailsEnjoy this insightful and essential perspective that even hardcore Anarchists had entirely missed. This is the real puzzle pieces put...
Read moreDetailsWords are more than elements of speech or writing. When spoken out loud, words transform into frequency and vibration that...
Read moreDetailsNeil Sanders returns to Rich Planet TV to talk about social media. Most people's internet use has changed over the...
Read moreDetailsFor those who do not know who Walter Russell is see our previous post by visiting the link below. Or...
Read moreDetailsTeaching the basics of marketing, social engineering, and cultural conditioning. How mind control through propaganda is what paints our perception...
Read moreDetailsExamine the esoteric aspects, etymology/origins and health effects of Alcohol, the worlds most MALEFIC drug and it's abuse, including the...
Read moreDetailsPresented over 8 series, we will take you where no other documentaries dare to go. Since the fall of man,...
Read moreDetailsAs I read, learn and live I see the ever increasing number of peoples which claim to be “awake”. These...
Read moreDetailsHuman beings have been domesticated like cattle over millennia by insidious and ruthless predator-parasites who easily walk among us. Their...
Read moreDetailsMark Passio has produced an incredible series of presentations of informationally dense material. The data presented herein is what we...
Read moreDetailsEditors Note: They call it Television Programming for a reason. Fred Emery, who studied television for 25 years, confirmed this....
Read moreDetailsWe’re going to cover word spells. How post-#Mesopotamian language has had us under the Ol’ Abra-Cadaver trick…. the oldest control...
Read moreDetailsFor the first time in scientific history researchers have discovered that group consciousness (i.e. collective consciousness) elicits physical changes in...
Read moreDetailsDr. Carmen Boulter joins Modern Knowledge's David Whitehead and Christopher Russak in a full, video enhanced and illustrated BREAKING interview...
Read moreDetailsThe lyrics of recent No. 1 singles average at a third grade reading level. A recent study served to confirm...
Read moreDetailsYour legal name is the name that the government use to identify you. Most of us have been conditioned to...
Read moreDetailsTo find out how energy and currency are related, you need to look beyond the definition of the word currency....
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