les manifestants monarchistes qui viennent d’incendier un journal gouvernemental, dйfilent sur l’Avenue Chah Abbas en plein centre de Tйhйran le 26 aoыt 1953. Le Shah d’Iran est rentrй d’Italie le 22 aoыt, oщ il йtait en exil, aprиs la rйussite du coup d’Etat pour restaurer la monarchie.
Rioters armed with staves shout slogans, during riots in Tehran, August 1953. On August 19, 1953, democratically-elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the CIA and British intelligence, after having nationalized the oil industry. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was re-installed in the primary position of power. Massive protests broke out across the nation, leaving almost 300 dead in firefights in the streets of Tehran.