The underground project to unseat humanity and create a world run by technology has been officially underwritten by the elite.
What do we know about Bilderberg’s techno-control master plan since the wrap up of its June 11-14 conference?
As usual, not much from the inside; but we know quite a bit by tracing the work of its attendees and insider members, as well as the progression of the conference itself over the past decades, as invitees have increasingly tended towards the high-tech.
Robotics and technology are huge steps ahead.
Artificial intelligence is one giant leap further.
Meanwhile, Bilderberg’s steering committee has invited more and more entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley as well as tech heads leading changes on the Internet, in cybersecurity and the vast changes happening in technology.
As such, Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt has become a visible center of the 21st Century Bilderberg meetings, giving further gravity to chic geeks brushing shoulders with the power brokers of the post-WWII era, who have long dominated banking, industry, military and political interests.
Palantir’s Alex Karp – a notable technology attendee from recent years – has now been added to the steering committee this year in 2015, joining the insider tech-axis with friend and sometimes partner Peter Thiel, the so-called “PalPal Mafia” Don and Facebook’s key early funding angel.
The new power bloc is still based around banking and other traditional spheres, of course, but they are now partners with computing. Microsoft’s Craig Mundie has been a key attendee for some time now, while Bill Gates has occasionally dropped by. Former NSA director Keith Alexander appeared consecutively for many years since 2008, paralleling the importance of mass surveillance and the advent of “cyber warfare.”
Coincidentally (or not), former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s pivotal leaks on surveillance – first disclosed on June 5, 2013 – overlapped the June 6-9 Bilderberg conference, where attendees discussed “How big data is changing almost everything” as well as “Cyber warfare and the proliferation of asymmetric threats,” while 2014 brought the inauspicious topic “Does privacy exist” to Bilderberg’s forum – a sour after thought to a year of unsettling Snowden leaks.
All of that has subtly reaffirmed the lowly and disregarded status of the masses, and reinforced the fact that personal freedom is valued at less-than-zero and everything and everything is being watched.
2015… has added the Artificial Intelligence icing on that cake.
Now… after all that and more… Bilderberg officially brings artificial intelligence to the table. (Of course, these elites have backed the rise of technology and computing since the beginning when major firms like IBM, Microsoft, Intel and Apple were started decades ago, but I digress).
In 2015, Bilderberg dropped the suggestive names and went right for the topics bullet-point list, bringing “artificial intelligence” and “cybersecurity” to the top of that list.
And two of its attendees stand out in bold for their role in bringing this forward:
Regina Dugan, Vice President for Engineering, Advanced Technology and Projects, Google
Demis Hassabis, Vice President of Engineering, Google DeepMind
This should register as Bilderberg’s most disturbing connection to covert politics yet.
Not that it should surprise everyone that they went there, but the rise of robots is actually upon us.
Amazon (whose founder and CEO Jeff Bezos attended Bilderberg in 2011 and 2013) is rapidly replacing its labor force with warehouse robots, and looking to use drones for delivery in the near future… while it has long relied upon complex algorithms to stunt competition and beat everyone including Wal-mart to the punch.
The world’s manufacturers in China have already made incredible strides in raising a robotic workforce that is only growing stronger every day… and the jobs become more and more endangered with each passing phase.
Silicon Valley is even unleashing an R2D2-like robocop that would do automated crime patrols…
Google Launches the ‘Manhattan Project of AI’
Google – intimately represented at Bilderberg by the gregarious Eric Schmidt – is putting the finishing touches on the self-driving car and getting clearance to put these autonomous vehicles on the road. Once that is past the honeymoon phase, it is sure to slash deeply into the trucker workforce, long a mainstay of the middle class, and erode personal rights to driving as well.
Meanwhile, Google has also conducted the biggest purchase of all time in artificial intelligence. Under the leadership of Schmidt, the notorious futurist Ray Kurzweil – longing for the age of singularity, spiritual machines and the chance for a few to maybe live forever – was hired in December 2012 to head Google’s attempt to “work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing” for Google – in other words, artificial intelligence, a life long passion for Kurzweil.
Since that time, Google bought up nearly every important A.I. firm in its reach — giving it probably more leverage over the pivotal transition to machine intelligence than the U.S. military or government.
At the top of that list is Boston Dynamics, the robotics firm closely linked with DARPA, the Defense Department, and MIT, who have created killer robots that can run at top speeds, climb walls, take down prey and carry payloads. (Regina Dugan, also attending Bilderberg this year, was a top executive at DARPA before joining Google.)
Regina Dugan – described as a “badass” – was the 19th director of the Pentagon’s DARPA (which stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and has its roots in the ARPA-creation of the Internet. Dugan left DARPA in 2012 to go even further at Google with their Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP).
As she told the world at a D11 conference, her work involves bringing biometrics and edible encrypted passwords to consumer markets, in part by making the technology “trendy” and desirable through wearables and even temporary authentication tattoos (because, as she explains, what kid wouldn’t want to piss off their parents with a tattoo?).
Dugan has done a great deal to the bring the world to our present trajectory and possible, unfortunate destination.
Then there is DeepMind – perhaps Google’s least known but most promising purchase – which uses developments in the understanding of neuroscience to power algorithms for machine learning… the key hurdle to true artificial intelligence… and the great, perhaps awful beyond.
Carnegie Mellon professor Larry Wasserman wrote that the “startup is trying to build a system that thinks. This was the original dream of AI. As Shane [Legg] explained to me, there has been huge progress in both neuroscience and ML and their goal is to bring these things together. I thought it sounded crazy until he told me the list of famous billionaires who have invested in the company.” (source)
Whatever DeepMind co-founder discussed behind closed doors at Bilderberg, it is not of just passing importance. Rather, it is the tip of the iceberg of the most massive transformation 0f human society yet.
DeepMind’s systems use neural networks and “deep learning” methods that deploy low-level transistor networks to produce high-level effects so that they can, for instance, distinguish a cat’s face from a human one – a trivial task for a human, but hard for a machine. That has been developed into “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) that can learn to solve tasks without prior programming, and have already been used to replace 60 hand-crafted systems across Google. The AGI system’s deployment into speech recognition, now used in Android phones and Google Translate, had led to the biggest overall improvement in speech recognition in 20 years, Suleyman said, with a 30% reduction in transcription error rates. Yet training the program for the task took less than five days.
[…]Mustafa Suleyman, who with Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg set up the London-based machine learning company that was bought by Google in January 2014 for £400m, mounted a spirited defence of the company’s successes. He told a conference on machine learning that “artificial intelligence, AI, has arrived. This isn’t just some brief summer for this technology, and it’s not about to go away again. These are production breakthroughs.” (source)
The London Guardian quoted a DeepMind investor who said that Google has embarked upon a “Manhattan project of AI” – massive, secretive and with grand implications enough to hold humanity itself in the balance:
Google has bought almost every machine-learning and robotics company it can find, or at least, rates. It made headlines two months ago, when it bought Boston Dynamics, the firm that produces spectacular, terrifyingly life-like military robots, for an “undisclosed” but undoubtedly massive sum. It spent $3.2bn (£1.9bn) on smart thermostat maker Nest Labs. And this month, it bought the secretive and cutting-edge British artificial intelligence startup DeepMind for £242m.
And those are just the big deals. It also bought Bot & Dolly, Meka Robotics, Holomni, Redwood Robotics and Schaft, and another AI startup, DNNresearch. It hired Geoff Hinton, a British computer scientist who’s probably the world’s leading expert on neural networks. And it has embarked upon what one DeepMind investor told the technology publication Re/code two weeks ago was “a Manhattan project of AI”. If artificial intelligence was really possible, and if anybody could do it, he said, “this will be the team”. The future, in ways we can’t even begin to imagine, will be Google’s.
“Artificial Intelligence is a tool to massively amplify our ability to control the world.”
That’s a statement, couched with positive outloook, from Mustafa Suleyman a co-founder of DeepMind, the AI firm now acquired by Google and represented this year at Bilderberg by co-founder Demis Hassabis, the Vice President of Engineering at DeepMind.
Suleyman says fears that artificial intelligence will wipe out human beings are completely overblown, however, emphasizing instead that DeepMind is set on improving humanity’s lot, and that it insisted upon an ethics board to keep it in check as part of Google’s buyout package.
Suleyman insisted that AI is, and will remain, a tool that humans can control and direct, rather than a threat. (source)
Yeah, like we didn’t hear that one from Cyberdyne ahead of the apocalyptic rise of Skynet in the Terminator films!
Paradoxically, Suleyman also stated:
“But everything we have built is a product of intelligent human activity. AGI is a tool to massively amplify our ability to control the world.”
For whatever reason, Suleyman doesn’t see the negative side of all this… but everyone else easily can.
Speaking to a conference on machine intelligence in London on Friday, Suleyman said that he was dismayed by the negative attitudes being shown towards AI. “It’s sad how quickly we’ve adopted to the reality and don’t acknowledge the magic and the good that these systems can bring. The narrative has gone straight from ‘isn’t it terrible that AI has been such a flop’ to ‘isn’t it terrible that AI has been such a success’.”
Why did Bilderberg bring DeepMind to the table? The reasons are many fold, but easily summed up in that statement: “artificial intelligence is a tool to massively amplify our ability to control the world.
Power that great will not easily fall into the right hands, no matter how inspired and determined its ethics boards aim to be.
Google is channeling that incredible power, and Bilderberg is leveraging it.
Please think about that before dismissing the “secretive meeting” as a sophomoric conspiracy theory of the paranoid, and a nothing doing gathering of professions who simply keep quiet because of Chatham House rules barring disclosure of the proceedings.
Naïvety is a dangerous setback that we cannot afford at this point.
Something big is indeed in the works, and the average citizen of the Western nations will surely be the last to know, when their employment – their only means of making a living – is rendered obsolete by advances in technology. Just remember that it was never inevitable; it was was fueled and brought to market by a cartel of cloaked and brokered global power.
DeepMind’s leaders would have us belief that fears of its influence are overblown…
Meanwhile, behind closed doors, the Bilderberg group has made the same claim, and the world has believed it at its own peril.
Demis Hassabis, CEO, DeepMind Technologies – The Theory of Everything
Google’s ‘DeepMind’ Artifical Intelligence System Learns Atari, Beats Humans
Aaron Dykes is a co-founder of As a writer, researcher and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports, he uses history as a guide to decode current events, uncover obscure agendas and contrast them with the dignity afforded individuals as recognized in documents like the Bill of Rights.
[…] Bilderberg Wields Artificial Intelligence: “A Tool to Massively Amplify Our Ability to Control the… […]