Josh Sigurdson talks with former Congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney about a host of important issues.
Starting off, we ask Cynthia about her thoughts on voluntaryism or private contract governance. Then she goes into what she’s learned since being a politician.
Moving on, we talk about the left right paradigm and people being dependent on the state to save them. She talks about witnessing first hand that everything in government is fake. It’s all a scripted show.
While Bush, Obama and Trump all ran on change successfully, the puppetmasters continue to do as they please behind the curtains. Nothing really changes, just surface issues. While the mainstream media lies about Trump, they also lie in favor of Trump. The populace then divides and people fight each other rather than the real problem. Government.
Cynthia McKinney breaks down a great analogy for us and goes into her idea of power cells as well as our differences.
We appreciate Miss. McKinney joining us and hope to talk with her again soon! We may have different ideas, but we should always listen to each other. That’s the first step towards action and understanding.