Last year (2014) when I was doing some research on natural medicine, I stumbled upon a YouTube video about how an African man was healing all sorts of disease using herbs, natural remedies, and other natural healing methods. This African man goes by the name Dr. Sebi, but his birth name is Alfredo Bowman. According to many of his followers, Dr. Sebi has the knowledge to cure many “incurable diseases,” including but not limited to AIDS, cancer, and diabetes.
I have watched a few of his video lectures and was impressed with his knowledge and wisdom. If you have health problems, lack energy, or just want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle, I recommend watching some of his videos. At the end of this article are some examples of many of his video lectures that are available on and other video sharing websites.
Here is an excerpt from about Dr Sebi:
Dr. Sebi is a pathologist, herbalist, biochemist, and naturalist. He has studied and personally observed herbs in America, Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean, and has developed a unique approach to healing with herbs that is firmly rooted in over 30 years of practical experience.
Dr. Sebi was born Alfredo Bowman on November 26, 1933, in the village of Ilanga in Spanish Honduras. Sebi never attended school, not even kindergarten. Instead, he took cues on being obedient to the procession of life from his beloved grandmother, “Mama Hay”. Sebi’s mother left her young son with his grandmother to obtain work in another town. His early days of play and observation by the river and in the forest, coupled with guidance from his grandmother, afforded Sebi the foundation to be obedient to the Truth in his later life.
Sebi came to the United States as a self-educated man who was diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, impotency, and obesity. After unsuccessful treatments with conventional doctors, Sebi was lead to an herbalist in Mexico. Finding great healing success from all his ailments, he began creating natural vegetation cell food compounds geared for inter-cellular cleansing and the revitalization of all the cells that make up the human body.
Below you can watch a news report from CBS about Dr. Sebi’s practice and also an interview with Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes.
Read: Man Found “Cure For All Diseases” And Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It!
A Great Book Based on the Works of Dr. Sebi
If you want to learn more about how Dr. Sebi was able to cure certain diseases using herbs and alternative medicine, I recommend reading the book titled Sojourn to Honduras Sojourn to Healing: Why An Herbalist’s View Matters More Today Than Ever Before. This informative book explores Dr. Sebi’s views on AIDS, diabetes, cancer, and other “incurable diseases,” and his success in treating these incurable diseases. This book also shows you how to prevent incurable diseases and stay healthy.
Dr. Sebi – Electric Food
Dr. Sebi “I Don’t Treat AIDS, I CURE AIDS!”
Dr. Sebi – Health And Nutrition 101
About the author:
Pao L. Chang is the author and founder of and, two comprehensive blogs dedicated to exploring topics about energy, health, conscious living, spiritual science, and exotic “free energy” technology. He loves to explore the mystery of alternative medicine, the science of consciousness, quantum mechanics, sacred geometry, and how energy affects the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body.