The richest 300 people in Europe and North America have the same income as 4.7 billion poor people, according to a World Bank study in 2002. People need to understand the enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation. We have the freedom to peacefully not co-operate with the old system. It is time to exercise that freedom.
Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die. There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance.
Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.
It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There IS NO division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this.
It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.
The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die. There need be NO violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, just a united act of global non compliance. It’s time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems.
“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“I believe that Gandhi’s views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in anything you believe is evil.” -Albert Einstein
Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. And the best form of non compliance is love. Approach every issue with love. Rather than obediently following orders given to you by a commanding officer, and rather than doing what is right for you personally, do what is actually right. And, if a leader wants to send you to war, say no sir, I won’t murder other peoples’ children for you any more. You’ll have to go and do it yourself.
You will be called coward by the military, but such is not the case. Because it’s much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. And it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right, and spit in the face of authority, than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one, and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.
“The pioneers of a warless world, are the young men [and women] who refuse military service.” -Albert Einstein
Simply stop giving these people the power to control you. Understand that the only power they have is the power the people give them. Understand that injustice towards one is injustice towards all. Injustice towards him, is injustice against you, and there should be no grey area in your mind in regards to that. Everyone needs to stop going along with it, and it needs to be done immediately. It’s time to cut the head off the snake.
The Revolution is not coming. The Revolution is NOW!
“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you: pull your beard, flick your face to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.” -John Lennon
Stop complying with it and you will shut it down.
Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems.
“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
Video Credit: AOD ScaReCRoW