Ted Nugent’s not willing to accept turning U.S. into ‘a turd world country’
By Ted Nugent
So goes the old adage that if you place a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog, too stupid to feel the increasing danger, will sit in the pot and be boiled to death without jumping out to save itself.
Sadly, the same holds true for America. Too many Americans are ignorant frogs, and Uncle Sham and his band of Fedzillacrats are slowly turning up the heat to a boiling point.
Our list of failures is long and ugly, but we have arrived at the boiling point, and here we are – borrowing and spending trillions of dollars we don’t have, graduating kids who can’t read, scrambling to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens because of what some bug-eyed lunatic did and punishing the producers while rewarding society’s slugs.
Everywhere I go, I’m stopped every single day by concerned Americans who want to express their dismay, shock, heartbreak and disappointment at the condition of America. While I lend a damaged rock ‘n’ roll ear to them, I remind them that unless they are working double overtime to reverse the kamikaze course we are on, they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Enslaving America to a life of addiction to government cheese and generational poverty while stripping them of their work ethic and pride is largely a Democratic ploy, but the Republican Party has also been guilty of turning up the heat, bringing the water to a boil.
Tough times call for tough people willing to make even tougher decisions.
America cannot sustain paying out $300,000 dollars in Medicare to recipients who, on average, have paid in only $100,000, if that. That is a roadmap for bankruptcy. Things must change.
The Social Security Trust Fund has been raped and pillaged by greedy Fedzillacrats from both political parties, who, if there was true justice, would be tarred and feathered and run out of the District of Clowns (D.C.).
Because the fund has been robbed for decades, Social Security is now on the path to financial insolvency. It, too, must change, or it will roll over like a bloated beached whale and further stink up the place.
The GOP must fight harder and smarter to defund Obamacare. Like every other government program, it will cost much more than what we were told. The result of Obamacare will be fewer doctors and health-care providers, and the best health-care system in the world will be destroyed.
The GOP must also push like mad to once again make America the shining city on the hill for business, entrepreneurs and free enterprise. I recommend reducing the business tax rate down to 10 percent for the next 10 years. Doing this will be like pouring gas on the economic hot coals ready to burst into a roaring fire of job growth and prosperity.
Ninety-nine weeks of unemployment is social and economic suicide. I say you get nine weeks of unemployment. If you need assistance after that, contact a church. Hunger is a great motivator.
There are roughly 4,500 words in the original U.S. Constitution. I’m still waiting for a strong-minded, independent congressman to propose legislation that any new bill cannot be longer than 4,500 words. The first guy or lady to propose this will be a national hero.
I say we burn the existing U.S. tax code, which is the single biggest, most bombastic and ambiguous document in the history of the world, and replace it with a flat tax.
These are just a few common-sense ideas that require immediate attention and action if we are to get out of the dangerous pot of increased boiling water. Going broke and turning America into a turd world country is not an option I’m willing to accept.
Source: WND