This video shows how the whole system of control, from cradle to grave, is based on nefarious maritime law.
Rule of Grammar for the use of CAPITAL LETTERS used in a NAME: when CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a NAME this always refers to a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION, COMPANY or CORPORATION no exceptions.
C’EST TUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced set–a–kay) common term in NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA or STRAWMAN common term in USA or CANADA is a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION created and owned by the GOVERNMENT whom created it.
“Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION, a concept or idea expressed as a NAME, a symbol. That LEGAL PERSON has no consciousness; it is a juristic PERSON, EN LEGIS, a NAME/word written on a piece of paper” – Jason Whitney, Presenter & Researcher: The Occult World of Commerce.
When you are born, (your Mothers’ WATER broke) your Parents Name you, for example John or Jane DOE. The Nurse or Doctor along with your Parents sign your Record of Live Birth (Title of Deed to Real Property) so your BIRTH CERTIFICATE could be created (a “certificate is a negotiable instrument; see Certi & fi-duc(e) iary & fi-cat(e) iary) for the purpose of “creating the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION (this LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is regulated and works in commerce as GOVERNMENT can only regulate that which it creates and it didn’t create the living breathing Man or Woman – God did). The LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is registered by the Department of Commerce, under the ADMIRALTY MARITIME LAW/JURISDICTION (LAW of the WATER) – JURISDICTION of Commerce and War.
You (the baby) are what is called a “C’est tui Que (pronounced “Set–a–kay”) Trust, the STRAWMAN, or rather the COLLATERAL or the CORPUS (body) of the Trust. Your LABOUR is the energy you generate as a Living Being. However, as a baby, you are deemed “Invalid (in–valid/dis–abled) and Incompetent, and even though your Mother Birthed you, she agrees to be the TRUSTEE of the Trust (by her SIGNATURE) which was SETTLED (created–Settlor) by the Federal Government, so you (your body) are ENTRUSTED to her for safe keeping until the age of eighteen.
Under Biblical Law: WOMEN are incapable of entering into binding agreements/contracts, their Husband or Father must be present when making agreements or the contract is void. In most cases both parties are present during birth or manifestation of a MARITIME product. Unless prior written consent and approval by the male representative exists, the Mother who would not DREAM of “giving” her newborn baby to the Government, does so unknowingly, by the undisclosed conditions of the signed Contract” Submission of an Application for Registration for a BIRTH CERTIFICATE e.g.
You’re Parents “agree/consent” to be the Trustee and sign your BIRTH CERTIFICATE. (BIRTH CERTIFICATES were only for “slaves” prior to women becoming “equal” to men). Usually the Mother is the ONLY one required to sign, because she is deemed to be the direct blood more so than the Father. She has the higher “claim” to the living baby.
Once the negotiable instrument (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) is transferred to the Dept of Commerce, they “pledge” your “Labour for your Lifetime” as its “secured” asset, and proceeds to “assure” (different from insure) YOUR Labour against it’s (the government’s) DEBT, and it subsequently gets an “underwriter” to insure your Labour.
The underwriter determines a lowball figure from your Labour to be valued at $1 Million dollars, and it takes out a “Bond” which is held at the Bank, the numbers on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE are the tracking numbers for your LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS Bond. $1 million FEDERAL RESERVE notes are then issued with that same number and put into circulation.
On the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the one with your name in ALL CAPS (which represents an ENTITY/FICTION, CORPORATION) there is a “Bond” tracking number. That number has 7–9 digits with a “letter” in front of it. Get a 1 dollar bill and compare that “serial” number with the number on it. You will see the similarity. On the face of the dollar bill, is a letter inside a symbol with the words “FEDERAL RESERVE Bank of (State Name)” That is the letter designation of the State Bank which holds that Bond. example “E” is the Bank of Virginia. The letter of the number on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is the Bank that is holding a Bond which represents your “labour” for your lifetime. Your “labour” has been “insured” and “assured”, and money has been borrowed against it. This is HOW people have been turned into collateral for the FEDERAL RESERVE Bank(s).
Legal Definitions
Person: A human being is not a person because he is a human being, but because rights and duties have been ascribed to him
The ‘person’ is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributes Black’s Law Dictionary Not a human being, but the human being invisible coat
Application: Means to ‘beg, plead, petition, implore, entreat or request
Must: Legally can be synonymous with ‘may’. Has two senses; Imperative or a directive. One creates obligations, the other defines conditions. Always a ‘directive’ when used with ‘apply’
Submit: To agree to another’s will or to leave to another’s discretion. Form of surrender. Always voluntary. Implies lawful right to fight.
Registration: To sign over all chattel content for safe keeping. always voluntary. Abandons complete ownership for partial.
Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) – In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man’s status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.
Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) – The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.
Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) – A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the family rights.
Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) – The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
Court System Finally Exposed! Amazing Courtroom Audio!
Santos Bonacci: Law and Language
The Act Of 1871 – America Incorporated
Links for further information:
ALL CAPS Names on Government Certificates
Rule By Secrecy – The Hidden History by Jim Marrs . This is a most remarkable and detailed account, naming names, stating events and revealing motives for most of history – a really spectacular work !! pdf format ePub format HTML format
Karl Lentz shows how to use the Queen’s Bench in London to deal with cases where you are ‘the defendant’ and how to deal with child custody cases and win every time.
OUTLAWS-in-JUSTICE USA Common Law officials, Anthony Williams, Hep Guinn, and others advancing a national organisation to reestablish Common Law and Constitutional Law as the primary “law of the land” and “due process.” Additional comments
October 2013 The Irish people join together to charge the banks with their unlawful and fraudulent behaviour and to look for redress. The first case against the first bank is against the Bank of Ireland.
October 2013 World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes gives details of aborted nuclear false-flag attack on Americans and the steady imposition of the Rule of Law deposing the evil cabal which has caused such massive destruction for decades. Part 2. Also and Additional audio broadcast.
2013 action Banks, corporations and governments foreclosed by lawful action against them.
Catholic Church charged with murder, 22 September 2013.
Civil Law background information on the whole world situation, updated as new events take place and the pdf (16 Mb) recommended on that web site.
Seven Financial Conspiracies which have Enslaved the American People the facts presented in a straightforward way.
The Fix The World documentary An outline of current action being taken. an alternative source
The latest 2013 attack on world population The most recent attempts to kill people such as yourself on a long-term basis.
Why Water, Milk & Salt Fluoridation Is Making Our Children Infertile, Feeble-Minded & Ill The facts about nation-wide poisoning.
March 2013: The Fall of the Vatican The Fall of the Vatican, the Queen and the System – video details.
Ireland’s Response: How Eire has responded to bank foreclosures, opposing house reposessions. Relevant Responses
How To Thrive A clear and comprehensive explanation of the present situation and what YOU can do about it (very highly recommended).
Mortgages are Fake A recent video demonstration that mortgages are fake and fraudulent.
Australian Fakes A video demonstrating that Australia has no lawful Courts, Police, Customs, Parliament, etc. from
Important information from Michael Tellinger Clear insights into the present situation, including why you personally are reading this.
It’s an Illusion video lecture by John Harris
Get Out of Debt Free sample letters for dealing with ‘debt’ issues
Veronica Chapman Veronica Chapman’s book which is packed with essential UK information
The British Constitution Group seven video lectures John Harris’ website ‘The People’s United Community’
Raymond StClair web site with interesting videos
Freeman On The Land web site with a large amount of specific information
‘Think Free’ a top video presentation by Robert-Arthur Menard of Canada
Mary Croft’s eBook “How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known To Man” web site with video presentations Australian web site with wide-ranging links
‘Hijacking Humanity’ a great video presentation by Paul Verge of Canada
Mary Croft part 1 of 11 video interview about her learning experiences
Audio interview 143 Mb download file of an audio interview
Michael Badnarik explanation of the American Constitution
Commerce Game Exposed the present situation explained with emphasis on America
TaxFreedom dealing with US taxes
Freedom Reigns dealing with US debts, charges, etc.
Money As Debt video on how (American) banks create money out of nothing
The Money Masters a VERY long factual video explaining how we got where we are today
World control video explaining in depth, how and why we have the present situation
The Application of Commercial Law the ins and outs of the systems of law
The Historical Background of the Lies how things developed in England and America This is an important web site with a good deal of relevant information
Video explaining how we and our children are being progressively poisoned.
Liens Website explaining a very powerful tool in defending yourself against unlawful attack: the ‘lien’ . A pdf copy of this information: pdf Copy
Robert Menard Part 1 Video lecture by Robert menard of Canada who is very knowledgeable.
Robert Menard Part 2
Robert Menard Part 3
Robert Menard Part 4
Robert Menard Part 5
Robert Menard Part 6
Robert Menard Part 7
Robert Menard Part 8
Robert Menard Part 9
Individualism A 150-page document explaining your present position and what you can do about it.
Video (2012) Irish house repossession stopped by the Constitution.
Victoria Grant A 12-year old girl explains how banks rob ordinary people.
Da Costa A letter laying out very clearly, the corruption of the legal system in Canada at the present time..
40 Outrageous Facts Which Most People Don’t Know A clear statement of the present situation along with supporting references for you to check out.
People’s Awareness Coalition The real situation explained in detail, especially for the people of America.
Government murders Presentation of a tiny percentage of the real facts about UK and world government.