Communication is a multi-layered phenomenon. It exists on multiple levels, all inter-twining and dancing together at once, conveying messages of infinite possibilities. Once you have awakened to Unity Consciousness, something shifts and it all gets a whole lot deeper. We recognise that when we permeate the veils of illusion, we are all connected. This is when we start to touch the Soul. This is when the Soul begins to speak.
When the Veil Falls Away
By nature, I am a translator of abstraction. For me, the real world begins where the veil drops; where the boundaries into the divine cease to be.
The upwelling from our core is something to be felt and experienced by the soul, yet so often does not come with words. It’s an experience far richer than words alone could accurately convey. The soul speaks a language that can, at times, be bridged by words, yet is never dependent on them. Words offer a sign post to something beyond. They can create a feeling, an energy, a recognition that invokes an intangible understanding of the nature of reality beyond limitations. Yet it is not the words that take us there. It is our openness and profound self honesty to what we are feeling that takes us to the depths of our being. It is transcendence of conceptual thinking that opens us to the sustenance that the soul yearns for. If we really want to understand the language of the soul, then it’s opening our minds, our hearts, surrendering to the divine flow, letting go of ideas that will suddenly give us the ability to speak and understand this language that is innate within all sentient beings.
The reality of the other person lies not in what he reveals to you but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say – Kahlil Gibran
Paradox of Silence
I have learned the most powerful lessons through the pause of silence. Silence creates breathing space for the soul – especially important when we aren’t used to hearing it. Within the pause of silence I feel the real story, the knowledge beyond knowing. The Void of Silence is at the core of our being. In this place, you and I can speak with infinite wisdom and unveil the secrets of the universe, whilst saying very little at all.
The only language that makes sense to me is soul communication. Sometimes words arise, sometimes not; yet with soul communication the dialogue is always from one soul to another. I’ll often ‘draw a blank’ when someone makes an inquiry about my inner world from a conceptual mind. It’s like, there is nothing there to be grasped. When we think and ask from the mental intellect, we are not speaking to the soul of another, we are just talking heads – programs talking to programs. To me, (for others it may be different) it is difficult to engage in that way. Even as I write this, the words are only a feint echo of what I feel welling up. Interwoven in the space between the spaces is something deeper still. I trust that if it ignites an element of undiscovered beingness in another, then it has served its purpose.
Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace – Buddha
So How Does Soul to Soul Communication Work?
The first thing is profound self-honesty about how we feel in relation to what we are experiencing. It’s about first turning inwards and looking at ourselves. In fact that’s exactly where we start! The whole universe is within us and our Soul fountains forth from that. Don’t look anywhere else.
Yes, find inspiration outside of your self. The divine mirror is all around us. It’s purpose is a reminder to ignite our true being-ness. Embrace it. We observe outside what we are being invited to unfold within. It’s purpose is to invite us to transcend our limitations and distortions then to allow our soul to shine through.
Soul to Soul
Source: Wakeup-World